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Second New Jersey Offshore Wind Solicitation Questions and Answers

Questions submitted regarding the solicitation will be collected, answered, and posted here by the BPU. Questions and answers posted are available for all to see. Please note that these answers are the opinion of Board Staff and should not be construed as opinions or rulings of the Board.

Questions will be accepted until 5PM EST on November 13, 2020.

Submit questions by email to with the subject line "NJ OSW Question" and cc

The responses provided herein are merely Board Staff's attempt to be responsive to the questions and should not be interpreted as legal advice. Applications must abide by (i) the Board's September 9, 2020 Order, In the Matter of the Opening of Offshore Wind Renewable Energy Certificate (OREC) Application Window for 1,200 to 2,400 Megawatts of Offshore Wind Capacity in Furtherance of Executive Order No. 8 and Executive Order No. 92, Order Opening the Application Window for the Second Offshore Wind Solicitation, Docket No. QO20080555; and (ii) the September 10, 2020 New Jersey Offshore Wind Solicitation #2 Solicitation Guidance Document Application Submission for Proposed Offshore Wind Facilities ("Solicitation Guidance Document").

The factors listed in the Solicitation Guidance Document in reference to Table 1 were considered in developing the requirements of this solicitation for awarding ORECs for 1,200 to 2,400 MW.

The BPU will not be making any changes to the holdback provision.

There are no other circumstances where the Board would consider a project in excess of 2,400 MW.

As defined in N.J.A.C. 14:8-6.1, commercial operations date (COD) means the date upon which a qualified OSW project, or a phase of a qualified OSW facility, which is interconnected to the transmission system in New Jersey, begins to generate power for which it is eligible to receive ORECs.

All revenues generated by the Project before or after the specified 20-year OREC period shall be returned to ratepayers, as well as all revenues generated during the OREC period. Response updated on 11/30/20 to remove this statement per Q&A no. 27.

Applicants that are awarded Projects will not have the opportunity to review the draft Order.

The Offshore Wind Economic Development Act (OWEDA) provides that a Board order awarding ORECs "shall not be modified by subsequent board orders, unless the modifications are jointly agreed to by the parties." N.J.S.A. 48:3-87.1(c)(4). For the total annual OREC allowance for a qualified offshore wind project, the rules provide that, "once approved by the Board, shall not be subject to reduction or modification during the term of each OREC order unless otherwise agreed to by both parties." N.J.A.C. 14:8-6.6(a)(2). PJM revenues shall be available for use by any qualified offshore wind project to "[c]over OREC payments during the resolution of an event of EDC default, under-payment, or non-payment by the payment agent." N.J.A.C. 14:8-6.6(f)(7)(ii).

Staff will continue to seek feedback from developers to ensure that the awards are financeable. Staff's current intent is to propose that the Board utilize a single Order, regardless of the number of awards. However, if awards are made to more than one applicant, specific terms and conditions for each applicant will be attached to the Order as an appendix. Staff would also propose to clarify that modifications to each awardee's respective appendix would not require the input or agreement from any other concurrent awardee not pertinent to the respective appendix.

An Applicant, as part of its Application, may request a waiver of certain administrative provisions of the OWEDA regulations and explain the reasons for the request, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 14:1-1.2, but must expressly state that, in the event the Board denies the waiver request, the applicant would fully comply with the applicable Board regulations. It is at the Board's discretion whether to approve a request for a waiver even if well supported.

Economic benefits can be included if they accrue to New Jersey, that is, if the jobs and spending associated with the activity will occur in and benefit New Jersey.

1) The evaluation criteria and the evaluation process for the economic development plan will not change based on the inclusion of the New Jersey Wind Port (NJWP).

2) and 3) The NJBPU fully expects the New Jersey Wind Port to be developed as currently planned. However, as with any proposed port facility, if NJWP-related facts change from the time of submission either prior to or subsequent to award, the NJBPU will not provide specific relief for Applicants. Applicants may structure their guarantees for economic benefits to address these potential issues. The level of guarantees will also be considered.

The Applicant should provide proof of an appropriate level of insurance that is currently in place for each phase, and describe anticipated insurance policies for future project phases.

Segregated decommissioning funds should be provided in the form of a letter of credit or corporate guarantee that is reasonably satisfactory to Staff. For example, Staff would consider irrevocable parent guarantees from creditworthy entities, with a third-party guarantee to be provided if the corporate parent's credit rating drops below investment grade.

Each Project will be evaluated individually, applying the criteria as shown in Table 3 of the Solicitation Guidance Document. The Board may elect to apply the diversity criteria in a manner that confers the most benefits to New Jersey.

1) New Jersey Division of Rate Counsel will be an integral part of the evaluation process and the level of involvement will be comparable to the first solicitation; 2) No additional detail on the sub-weighting will be provided.


  1. Yes, Applicants must provide their forward curves for monthly energy prices, Energy Year capacity prices, and Energy Year REC prices on the "Revenues" worksheet of the Application Form.
  2. Energy prices should reflect the pricing point for revenues that will be returned to customers.
  3. BPU will consider the forward curves provided by Applicants but will ensure that all Applicant's proposed OREC prices will be consistently evaluated.
  4. BPU can confirm that the prices provided in the Application Form will not be binding on Applicants.
  5. The "Revenues" worksheet in the Application Form is a working Excel spreadsheet that calculates expected revenues based on Applicants' input. Separately, Section 7 of the Application Narrative must address each item listed in Section 3.7 of the Solicitation Guidance Document, and may reference the calculations in the Application Form. The Applicant may provide additional supporting detail in the form of an Excel spreadsheet.

The Board reserves the right to select more than one Project from an Application. Projects may not be contingent on the selection of another Project. Applicants should specify in the Application Narrative whether more than one of the submitted Projects can be selected independently, and which Projects can be selected together, and which Projects are mutually-exclusive.

The reference to a portfolio of Projects in Section 2.4 is intended to be to a total portfolio of awarded Projects, not a portfolio of Projects from a single Applicant. However, as noted in the response to Question #[16] above, Applicants can indicate in the Application Narrative whether any of the submitted Projects can be selected together, i.e., they are not mutually exclusive.

Separate owners for phases within a single Project are discouraged unless the Applicant provides a compelling benefit to ratepayers if phases are owned by separate entities. If an Applicant proposes separate owners for each phase, the Board will require that (1) the relationships among the relevant entities are clearly defined, and (2) the Project can be managed and executed as a single Project from the BPU's perspective.

  1. In such a case, each of the affiliated Project companies would be included in the Board Order.
  2. The BPU intends to consider each awarded Project separately so that failure of one Project would not impact the OREC award of another separate Project.
  3. Based on the responses above, this question is not applicable.
  4. Based on the responses above, this question is not applicable.

See the response to Question #16.


  1. The neutrality agreement is part of the labor plan, which in turn is part of the economic plan, thus it would be considered as part of the section that weighs Economic Impacts and Strength of Guarantees for Economic Impacts and/or Likelihood of Successful Commercial Operation.
  2. Union neutrality agreements mitigate risks due to a possible strike or other labor dispute resulting in interference with the private entity contracted to install or operate and maintain a wind project, unnecessarily delaying the critical delivery or operation and maintenance of the project. Union neutrality agreements also mitigate risks due to possible private labor cessation which could result in excessive costs making the wind projects less commercially viable. Union neutrality agreements make possible legally enforceable guarantees that construction, operation and maintenance will be carried out in an orderly and timely manner, without strikes, lock-outs or slowdowns and also provides for a peaceful, orderly and mutually binding procedures for resolving labor issues, thus promoting harmonious and productive work environments. Specifically union neutrality agreement means "an agreement between a developer's contractors (or subcontractors) and one or more labor organizations that requires its members agree to refrain from strike, work stoppage, slowdown or other job action and that the contractors or subcontractors agree to maintain a neutral position with respect to efforts by the labor organizations to represent the contractor's or subcontractor's employees."
  3. A union neutrality agreement is only one potential component of an applicant's labor plan.

Permit applications, approvals and other filings that are available prior to the Submission Deadline must be included in the Application. If Applicants receive permits or approvals after the Submission Deadline, copies of those permits or approvals must also be submitted to the BPU. Copies of permit applications that are submitted after the Submission Deadline are not required to be submitted to the BPU, although Applicants are encouraged to submit them as an indicator of progress.

Instructions for submitting permits and approvals received after the Submission Deadline will be posted to the solicitation website following the Submission Deadline.


  1. In preparing their Application, Applicants should use the nameplate capacity that is featured on the turbine type certificate, i.e., standard nameplate capacity with no option activated.
  2. Activation of such an option would not be considered a change of nameplate capacity that would require Board approval.

Applicants may submit audited financial statements using a web-based link rather than uploading a PDF file, as long as the linked files meet the file requirements, i.e., searchable PDFs. This authorization to provide links instead of attachments does not extend to other document types unless explicitly authorized by Staff in future Q&A. (Section 3.2)


  1. Confirmed. OREC prices are by Energy Year, regardless of COD.
  2. Confirmed. The escalator will be applied over the full 20-year Contract Term.
Note that the treatment of OREC prices described above applies only for project delays approved by the BPU. Delays not approved by the BPU will result in an OREC period shortened by the length of the unapproved delay.


  1. The BPU has requested a forecast of REC prices during the OREC term primarily to understand the Applicant's market view.
  2. While most REC revenue to be realized by the successful Applicant will occur after the OREC term ends, some REC market revenue may occur prior to COD and for the sale of any energy above the Annual OREC Cap.


  1. The BPU reserves the right to exercise its discretion regarding the calculation of the OREC Purchase Price Adjustment. Final price adjustments will be based on actual construction costs upon completion of all transmission system upgrades delineated in the Interconnection Service Agreement (ISA).
  2. The TSUC calculations will be based on the actual construction costs, and the Tier Cost Limits and Seller Shares as submitted in the Application.

The TSUC includes System Upgrades, but does not include physical Attachment Facilities (Direct Connection Network Upgrades and Non-Direct Connection Network Upgrades).

The stated understanding is correct. "All project revenues" refers only to revenues during the 20-year term of the Board Order, not revenues over the project's operational life. All revenues before and after the 20-year term shall remain with the Project. The response to Q&A No. 4 has been corrected accordingly.

COD may be declared once at least 90% of the wind turbines in a phase are commissioned and generating power.

The Applicant will be required to meet the decommissioning fund requirements consistent set forth in BOEM's Renewable Energy Program Regulations (30 CFR 585).

Full text of the regulations can be found at: See sections 585.515 to 585.517 on page 524 (page 40 of the linked file)

"The anticipated CO2 emissions impact of the Project" means the difference between (a) the CO2 emissions that are avoided annually by the Project through the displacement of fossil generation and (b) the direct emissions produced annually from vehicles, vessels, and machinery during development, construction, operation, and decommissioning of the Project. The regulations seek the same information for CO2, SO2, and particulate emissions.


  1. The Applicant is instructed to provide the same information for NOx as explained for CO2, SO2, and PM2.5 in the responses to Q&A no. 31.
  2. The scope of the analysis should include direct emissions during development, construction, operation, and decommissioning, and not emissions upstream of these activities.

The Applicant is asked to compare the environmental impacts between an offshore wind project and onshore projects based on Class 1 eligible technologies. The comparison is not limited to emissions impacts, and may be qualitative and/or quantitative.

"Comparative" environmental impacts refers to the emissions impacts that are avoided by the addition of the Project, compared to a future where the Project is not built, referred to elsewhere in the Solicitation Guidance Document as "avoided emissions."

"Avoided emissions" refers to emissions from other generators that the proposed Project is expected to displace.


  1. Applicants should use a 7% nominal discount rate and a 2% general inflation rate for escalating real-value projections. Unlike the 2018 OREC procurement, the BPU is not providing other common methods or assumptions for the cost-benefit analysis. Instead, applicants are to provide valuations of their choice. The methods and assumptions used should be supported by a detailed description of what was done, together with work papers that will allow evaluators to reproduce the analysis. Note that the BPU will independently conduct its own cost-benefit analyses using a common set of methods and assumptions across all proposed projects.
  2. Applicants are free to use any aspect of the 2018 Standardized Inputs for Cost-Benefit Analysis document, other than the required nominal discount rate and general inflation rate assumptions.

Yes, both approaches are acceptable. In the latter example, please ensure that any linked video files can be downloaded.

Applicants are required to provide payment to the State of New Jersey for research initiatives and the regional monitoring of wildlife and fisheries related to the introduction of offshore wind projects in the following schedule: 50% of the $10,000/MW fee within 90 days of award, and the remainder paid in equal annual installments on the anniversary of the award over a 2-year period. The funding will be administered by the NJDEP and BPU, with stakeholder input from the selected Applicant(s), research institutions, industry, regional monitoring organizations and members of the New Jersey Offshore Wind Environmental Resources Working Group to aid in the identification and prioritization of regional research and monitoring needs.