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Second New Jersey Offshore Wind Solicitation Application Requirements

Applications from projects seeking to be deemed Qualified Projects are due by 5 PM EST on December 10, 2020. Submissions will not be reviewed by the BPU until after the OREC Application Submission Deadline. Applicants are encouraged to begin uploading documents prior to the deadline in order to ensure a successful submission.

Pre-Application Meetings

Per N.J.A.C. 14:8-6.3(d) All Applicants are required to meet with Board Staff and representatives of the Division of Rate Counsel, no less than 30 days prior to submission of an Application to discuss all aspects of the Application. Applicants are also required to meet with representatives of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection no less than 30 days prior to the submission.

Please contact the following representatives to schedule meetings with the respective entities:

Application Deposit

In accordance with N.J.S.A. 48:3-87.1 and N.J.A.C. 14:8-6.5(a)(15), to defray the cost of reviewing the Applications, each Applicant must provide an Application Deposit of $500,000. This Application Deposit covers up to three Projects. Applicants must submit an incremental Application Deposit of $25,000 for each additional Project included in the Application. The Application Deposit must be paid by a check made out to "Treasurer - State of New Jersey" and sent to the following address such that it will be received before the OREC Application Submission Deadline:

New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
Attn: Chief Fiscal Officer
44 South Clinton Avenue, 9th Floor
P.O. Box 350
Trenton, NJ 08625-0350

Required Files

Each Application must include an Application Form for each Project included in the Application (Attachment 1). The Application Form requires summary information and standardized quantitative inputs, including the OREC Purchase Price. In addition, each Application must include an Administrative Completeness Checklist (Attachment 2) to ensure that all the required materials have been submitted, and an Applicant Commitment Form (Attachment 3) signed by a responsible officer.

The required contents of a complete Application are described in detail in Section 3 of the Solicitation Guidance Document.

Application Submission

Applications must be submitted electronically through the BPU External Access Portal. Instructions for setting up an account are provided in Attachment 8, and summarized below:

  1. Sign up for a MyNewJersey Account
  2. Contact the BPU IT Helpdesk and provide your myNewJersey ID, first name, last name, company name (if applicable), and email address
  3. Typically within two business days, you will receive an email containing an authorization code
  4. Enter the authorization code in your myNewJersey Account
  5. Log back into your myNewJersey Account and you will see a link to the BPU External Access Portal
  6. You will receive a second email with your BPU External Access Portal User Name and Password
  7. Log in using the provided credentials

Application materials must be uploaded without a Docket #, and all files, including the public versions, must be uploaded to the Confidential folder.